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Total Number of Issued Shares (last 5 years)


Total Number of Issued Shares by Year
Year Issued shares (common) Treasury stock (common) %
2023 402,044,203 5,837,383 1.45
2022 405,363,347 4,432,968 1.09
2020 405,363,347 4,432,331 1.09
2020 405,363,347 4,432,084 1.09
2019 405,363,347 4,432,084 1.09

※ As of the end of 2023



Shareholders table
Shareholder Number of shares Ownership
Hyundai Motor Company 137,318,251 34.16%
Employee stock ownership 9,889,054 2.46%
Treasury stock 5,837,383 1.45%
NPS 28,554,484 7.10%
Foreigner 151,723,249 37.74%
Others (financial institutions, etc) 68,721,782 17.09%
Total 402,044,203 100%

※ As of the end of 2023

Related Parties


Related Parties table
Name Relationship Type of share Number of shares Ownership Remarks
Hyundai Motor Company Affiliate(largest shareholder) Common 137,318,251 34.16% -
Euisun Chung Executive Common 7,061,331 1.76% -
Ho Sung Song Executive Common 3,500 0.00% -
Jun Young Choi Executive Common 1,718 0.00% -
Woo Jeong Joo Executive Common 23,740 0.01% -
Total - - 144,408,540 35.92% -

※ As of the end of 2023

Shareholder Protection


Shareholder Protection table
Category Content 2021 2022 2023
Shareholders’ equity Shares owned by the largest shareholder and its related parties (%) 35.62% 35.62% 35.92%
Shares owned by registered officers excluding the largest shareholder and its related parties (%) N/A N/A N/A
Disclosure of shareholders who acquire more than 5% of the shares excluding the largest shareholder and its related parties (including officers and affiliates) National Pension Service 8.24% National Pension Service 6.91% National Pension Service 7.1%
Dividends Interim or quarterly dividends (business results exist) N/A N/A N/A
Ownership structure Transactions between affiliates Transactions accounting for more than 5% of the last business year’s revenue
· Hyundai Mobis : KRW 7,342,633mil
· Hyundai WIA : KRW 2,621,472mil
· Hyundai Motor Company : KRW 2,010,502mil
Transactions accounting for more than 5% of the last business year’s revenue
· Hyundai Mobis : KRW 9,167,718mil
· Hyundai WIA : KRW 3,698,721mil
Transactions accounting for more than 5% of the last business year’s revenue
· Hyundai Mobis : KRW 10,944,427mil
· Hyundai WIA : KRW 3,591,942mil
Total credit granted* to affiliates against equity capital N/A N/A N/A

※ As of the end of 2023

Cumulative voting and voting in writing

Cumulative voting and voting in writing table
Classification Date of Introduction Remarks
Cumulative voting N/A -
Voting in writing N/A -
Electronic voting March 24, 2020 At the 76th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

※ As of the end of 2023

Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting


Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting by Year
Item 2021 2022 2023
Number of voting rights present at the last General Meeting of Shareholders 316,634,966 309,190,948 317,697,423
Attendance of those excluding the largest shareholder and its related parties 43.00% 40.65% 43.80%

※ As of the end of 2023

Outcome of 80th Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (2023)

Outcome of 80th Annual Shareholders’ Meeting table
Item Approval Rate Opposition &
Abstention Rate
Agenda 1. Approval of the Financial Statements for the 80th Fiscal Year 95.4% 4.6% Approval
Agenda 2-1. Appointment of Inside Director (Jun Young Choi) 90.5% 9.5% Approval
Agenda 2-2. Appointment of Outside Director (In Kyung Lee) 99.8% 0.2% Approval
Agenda 3. Appointment of audit committee members (In Kyung Lee) 99.7% 0.3% Approval
Agenda 4. Appointment of Outside Director who becomes a member of audit Committee(Wha Sun Jho) 95.4% 4.6% Approval
Agenda 5. Approval of the director compensation’s limit 99.5% 0.5% Approval

Dividend History (last 5 years)


Dividend History (last 5 years) table
Year Gross amount of cash dividend (100 mil KRW) Cash dividend per share (KRW) Payout ratio Dividend yield ratio Dividend/Face value
2023 22,188 5,600 25.30% 6.40% 112.00%
2022 14,033 3,500 25.90% 5.50% 70.00%
2021 12,028 3,000 25.30% 3.60% 60.00%
2020 4,009 1,000 27.0% 1.6% 20.0%
2019 4,611 1,150 25.2% 2.6% 23.0%

Shareholder proposal & Protection of minority shareholders

We are committed to protecting the rights of the Company’s minority shareholders, whose rights are set forth below.

  • Right to call general meetings of shareholders

    In accordance with the Commercial Code, shareholders who own more than 1.5% of outstanding shares with voting rights of the Company for more than six months may request to convene extraordinary general meetings.

  • Right to present shareholder proposals concerning annual general meeting

    In accordance with the Commercial Code and the Articles of Incorporation, shareholders who own more than 0.5% of outstanding shares with voting rights for more than six months may present shareholder proposals at an AGM. The Board shall accept the proposal as an agenda item of a general meeting of shareholders, state the item in the notice of convocation of the meeting, except where such proposal is in violation of laws or the Articles of Incorporation, or where it is subject to the rejection of a shareholder proposal as stipulated in Article 12 of the Enforcement Degree of the Commercial Code. When requested by the shareholder who made the proposal, the details of the agenda item shall be stated in the notice of the meeting, and the shareholder will be given the opportunity to present the proposal at the meeting. Compliance Management Team is responsible for tasks related to agenda proposals by shareholders. Once a proposal is submitted, the shareholder will be identified, a legal review will be conducted, and then a letter or electronic notice will be sent to the shareholder to verify submission.
    (Address: 12, Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06797 Republic of Korea, Compliance Management Team /