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Key Performance to Achieve Sustainability Management

Kia ensures a harmonious and sustainable future for all humankind and the environment through continuous technological development and mobility innovation.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)

2023 DJSI World member for 2 consecutive years

CDP (Climate Disclosure Project)

2023 Rating Climate Change A- / Water Security A-

  • CDP Korea Awards
  • Climate Change - Carbon Management Sector Honors

Global Standard Management Awards (GSMA)

2023, GSMA Sustainability Sector Grand Prize (6 consecutive years)

ChosunBiz The ESG AWARDS

2023,The ESG AWARDS Grand Prize


  • 2045 Carbon Neutrality Declaration
    • Aim to achieve RE100 by 2040, and 100% electrification globally by 2045
  • Achieved certification for product carbon footprint certification

    From the Carbon Trust

    • Achieved 'Carbon Footprint' certification and 'Carbon Measurement' label for the first time in Korea
  • Application of eco-friendly materials in the product
    • Applied eco-friendly materials to EV6, EV9 (floor carpet, door map pockets, etc.)
    • Auto parts made with recycled plastic and bio-based, eco-friendly materials weigh about 34kg (EV9)
  • Hazardous chemical emissions


    • Upgraded hazardous chemical handling facilities in AutoLand in Korea and used alternative products
  • Issuance of green bonds

    About $700million in overseas

    • Issued green bonds to invest in eco-friendly mobility


  • Evaluation of ESG performance of suppliers
    • Supply chain ESG evaluation(1,704 suppliers)
  • Evaluation of human rights impact on employees
    • For all business sites at home and abroad
  • Strengthening workplace health and safety
    • Acquired health-friendly company certification by the Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Social contribution cost of KRW 551.8 billion
    • Domestic KRW 243.7 billion, Overseas KRW 308.1 billion


  • Sustainability Management Committee
    • Enhanced the company-wide sustainability management function by adding the ESG agenda review function to the existing Transparent Management Committee
  • Strengthening the diversity of the Board of Directors

    Appointment of female external directors and international external director (2022)

    • Appointment of external directors who are competitive in a variety of fields
  • Dividend increase(2023)
    • Paid the dividend at KRW 3,500 per share(16.7% increase compared to the previous year)