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Environmental Management Data

Kia’s entire operating system is undergoing an evolution in order for our vehicles to contribute as "Clean Mobility" on global environmental protection.
Furthermore, by 2025, we will have reduced direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions by 17.4 percent compared to 2016.

Greenhouse Gas and Energy Use

GHG Emissions (Scope 1&2)

(1000 tCO2-eq)

GHG Emissions (Scope 1&2) Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Total emissions (Scope 1&2) 1,144.80 1,139.10 1,166.80
Direct emissions (Scope 1) 359 365.2 379.9
Domestic 245.4 260.5 266
Overseas 113.6 104.7 113.9
Indirect emissions (Scope 2) 785.8 774 786.9
Domestic 452.5 470.2 467.3
Overseas 333.3 303.8 319.6

GHG Emissions (Scope 3)*


GHG Emissions (Scope 3) Table
Category 2022
Total emissions (Scope 3) 72,975,453
Purchased Goods and Services 13,736,281
Capital goods investment and purchase 2,545
Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1&2 99,271
Waste generated in operations 30,796
Business travel 5,135
Employee commuting 277,552
Transportation and distribution 1,153,600
Use of sold products 57,389,971
Processing of sold products 188,991
Investment 91,313

* Based on CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project) submission

Energy Consumption

Total energy consumption (general + renewable)

Energy Consumption Table
Category Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total MWh 3,535,198 3,725,562 3,794,321
Domestic MWh 2,297,398 2,443,496 2,467,621
Overseas MWh 1,237,800 1,282,066 1,326,700
Total TJ 18,550 19,552 19,763
Domestic TJ 14,093 14,936 14,987
Overseas TJ 4,457 4,616 4,776

General energy consumption (Nonrenewable energy consumption)

Energy Consumption Table
Category Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total consumption MWh 3,418,669 3,585,908 3,652,972
Total consumption TJ 18,130 19,049 19,254
Domestic TJ 14,093 14,936 14,987
Fuel TJ 4,777 5,112 5,221
Elctricity TJ 9,316 9,824 9,766
Overseas TJ 4,037 4,113 4,267
Fuel TJ 2,106 2,120 2,130
Elctricity TJ 1,931 1,993 2,137

Renewable energy consumption

Renewable energy consumption Table
Category Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total consumption MWh 116,529 139,654 141,349
Total consumption TJ 420 503 509

Air Pollutants


Dust Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 101.6 68.1 72.5
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 3.0 1.7 1.6

* Data coverage : Domestic


SOx Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 3.0 1.4 3.5
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 0.09 0.03 0.08

* Data coverage : Domestic


NOx Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 141.4 145.9 156.9
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 4.12 3.56 3.38

* Data coverage : Domestic


VOCs Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 5,967.1 6,628.2 6,413.3
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 173.65 161.74 73.55

* Data coverage : Domestic

Water Resource and Water Pollutants



Water Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Water intake Total water intake 6,168,016 6,755,826 7,006,517
Waterworks 4,881,975 5,261,166 5,627,986
Underground water 1,286,041 1,494,660 1,378,531
Water intake from high water stress areas* 1,368,645 1,498,253 1,633,092
Waterworks 823,564 885,268 1,000,485
Underground water 545,081 612,985 632,607
Water withdrawal Total water withdrawal 4,535,347 4,894,039 4,737,786
Water withdrawal to high water stress areas* 1,250,442 1,384,872 1,409,389
Water consumption Total consumption 1,632,669 1,861,787 2,268,731
Water consumption in high water stress areas* 118,203 113,381 223,703
Amount of reuse** - 324,138 516,424

* Domestic High water stress area in Korea: Autoland Gwangmyeong
** Data Coverage: Autoland Hwaseong in Korea, data is reported from 2021

※ Water stress refers to the ratio of water demand to available water resources. A higher value indicates a more acute water scarcity region. It is a representative tool to identify water stress areas with reference to the Water Risk Atlas of the World Resources Institute (WRI).


COD Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 80.8 71.6 82.2
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 2.35 1.75 1.77

* Data coverage : Domestic


TOC Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 50.5 44.7 51.4
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 1.47 1.09 1.11

* Data coverage : Domestic


BOD Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 22.3 19.5 22.8
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 0.65 0.47 0.49

* Data coverage : Domestic


SS Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 8.9 8.7 7.7
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 0.26 0.21 0.17

* Data coverage : Domestic

Other(n-H, T-P, T-N)*

Other Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Emissions(tons) 47.4 39.8 37.8
Emission intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 1.39 0.97 0.81

* Data coverage : Domestic

Raw and Subsidiary Materials / Waste

Raw and Subsidiary Materials / Waste Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Total usage(tons) 195,477.0 214,901.9 218.345.9
Intensity of use(kg/unit) 171.0 175.7 172.4


Iron Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Total usage(tons) 175,981.7 193,865.8 195,570.7
Intensity of use(kg/unit) 154.0 158.5 154.4

* Data coverage : Domestic


Paint Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Total usage(tons) 14,751.5 16,036.5 17,806.4
Intensity of use(kg/unit) 12.9 31.1 14.1

* Data coverage : Domestic


Thinner Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Total usage(tons) 4,743.9 4,999.6 4,968.8
Intensity of use(kg/unit) 4.2 4.1 3.9

* Data coverage : Domestic

Waste generation*

Waste generation Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Total waste generated(tons) 194,247.0 210,532.0 199,934.0
General waste generated(tons) 186,023.0 202,107.0 191,796.0
Designated waste generated(tons) 8,224 8,425 8,138
Waste generation intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 5,563 5,138 4,308

* Data coverage : Domestic

Waste recycling*

Waste recycling Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Total waste recycled
(tons, %)**
General waste recycled(tons) 180,039 193,775 183,853
Designated waste recycled(tons) 4,151 3,773 3,741

* Data coverage : Domestic
** Total recycling rate target for 2023: 95%

Waste treatment*

Waste treatment Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Total waste treated(tons)*** 10,058 12,985 12,340
General waste(tons) 5,984 8,333 7,943
Incineration (energy recovery excluded)(tons) 5,984 7,097 7,308
Landfill(tons) 0 1,236 635
Designated waste(tons) 4,074 4,652 4,397
Incineration (energy recovery excluded)(tons) 4,063 4,556 4,376
Landfill(tons) 11 96 21

* Data coverage : Domestic
** Total waste treatment amount target for 2023: 12,662.42 tons

Hazardous chemical substances Emissions (consumption)

Hazardous chemical substances Table
2020 2021 2022
Hazardous chemical substances Emissions (consumption, t) 0 0 0
Hazardous chemical substances Emissions (consumption, kg/unit) 0 0 0

Chemical Substances

Chemical Substances Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Withdrawal(tons) 49,103 53,551 53,447
Withdrawal intensity(tons/KRW trillion) 1,428.97 1,306.78 1,151.63

Environmental Education (2022)

Environmental Education (2022) Table
Education course Subject to education No. of employees educated Date Purpose
Basic course for safety environment New hires in the safety environment division 41 Nov. 2022 Help employees responsible for ensuring safety environment do their job smoothly
Regular safety and health education All employees 26,944.00 Apr. 2022 / Oct. 2022 Educate on the safe management of chemical substances (hazardous chemicals, MSDS), and raise safe awareness among employees in charge
Smart factory - Safety environment Employees responsible for production-related tasks 20 Oct. 2022 Train on safety environment affairs and risk management, and provide key trends of technologies regarding safety environment
Smart factory - Energy (1st round) 21 Jul. 2022 Help employees better understand carbon neutrality, RE100, ESG concept, Kia’s goals and directions, energy data usage and analysis, and measures to efficiently use process energy
Smart factory - Energy (2nd round) 16 Jul. 2022

Environmental Investments Costs

(KRW 1,000)

Environmental Investments Costs Table
Category 2020 2021 2022
Plan 4,002,900 12,135,500 5,663,000
Actual investment 4,109,156 12,081,759 7,886,400
Investment rate (%) 102.7 99.6 139.3

Environmental management costs

(KRW 1,000)

Environmental management costs Table
Item Description 2020 2021 2022
Direct reduction on environmental loads Working condition improvement and maintenance 11,780,841 8,125,271 10,778,863
Indirection reduction on environmental loads Employee training and environmental assessments 2,044,529 2,256,565 2,158,881
Waste disposal & recycling Waste treatment/disposal expenses 5,521,720 6,238,141 6,219,872
Environmental risk management costs Environmental regulatory compliance & accident prevention 1,787 8,160 51,634
Total 19,348,877 16,628,136 19,209,250


As a responsible company preparing for a sustainable future, Kia is promoting the mudflat vegetation restoration project to protect the marine ecosystem and respond to climate change. In cooperation with the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, we will design a plan to restore the mudflat ecosystem to strengthen the carbon absorption of the mudflat and promote the planting of halophytes in earnest.
In addition, 3,500 seedlings were donated near the workplace through voluntary and active plogging volunteer activities by executives and employees, and through the 'Happy Move the Green' volunteer group, we are striving to preserve the ecological environment and biodiversity by removing exotic plants from national parks and protecting wild animals.

For biodiversity conservations, we expand green spaces in proportion to the building area of worksites, creating eco-friendly and relaxing working conditions. Since 2000, Kia has conducted a thorough review of potential soil polluting facilities, shutting them down without a single case of pollution leakage.

Biodiversity Risk Assessment

Kia, recognizing the importance of biodiversity, conducts biodiversity risk assessment and strives to actively respond to biodiversity risks-related business impacts and dependence. In 2023, biodiversity risk assessment was conducted for regions where Kia's global business sites are located using WWF's Biodiversity Risk Filter (BRF). We analyzed the dependence and impact of biodiversity based on the region where the business site is located.

According to the result of the assessment, the biodiversity-related reputational risks are low, but some of the physical risks were identified as vulnerable risks for areas where the Kia's production sites are located. It was confirmed that physical risks, such as the risk of Limited Wild Flora & Fauna Availability, although to some degree each areas have different exposure to the risk, is high. Kia will continue to monitor the biodiversity of its business sites and nearby areas, and promote various eco-friendly improvement activities to preserve biodiversity.

※ More information than the above environmental management data can be found in the Kia 2022 CDP Report.