How it works
Our commitment to all humankind and nature(environment)
Environmental Management
With the goal of achieving environmentally friendly management that meets global standards, we have established our environmental policy based on ISO 14001 (environmental management system). We regularly revise this policy to reflect global initiatives and regulations.
Kia Environmental Management Policy
- It shall recognize the environment as key to corporate success, creates corporate values through proactive eco-friendly management, and fulfills its corporate social responsibility.
- It shall set out implementable targets to respond to climate change and evaluate their implementation performance.
- It shall make efforts to use resources and energy sustainably and reduce pollutants throughout the lifecyle of the development, production, sale, and discarding.
- It shall actively support suppliers’ environmental management activities and establish and implement criteria necessary for an ecofriendly supply chain policy.
- It shall comply with domestic and international environmental laws and conventions and establish and implement necessary policies to promote environmental management.
- It shall protect bio-diversity and draft a policy to preserve the natural environment.
- It shall disclose its environmental management performance to corporate members and takeholders per reasonable and objective criteria.
Main principles by environmental element
Raw and subsidiary materials |
Waste |
Energy |
Waste product |
Water |
Pollutants |
GHGs |
Hazardous Materials |
The local community |
Raw and subsidiary materials |
Waste |
Energy |
Waste product |
Water |
Pollutants |
GHGs |
Hazardous Materials |
The local community |
This environmental management policy applies to all Kia operations across the world, and companies and business units under its control.
- Supply chain
- Production and Business sites
- Distribution network
- Products and services
- Sales and marketing
- Recovery and Recycling
- M&A
- Others (new businesses and project investments, etc.)
Our Environmental, Health & Safety Support Team is responsible for managing all local and overseas business sites, while our Carbon Neutral Strategy Team focuses on addressing climate change and implementing carbon-neutral strategies. These teams play a central role in our environmental management efforts. The Sustainability Management Committee, which reports to the board, oversees risk management and performance improvement activities related to environmental management. Additionally, our ESG Council, made up of both working-level employees and executives, monitors progress and manages performance.
Organizational Structure
Sustainability Management Committe
(Board of Directors)
ESG Council
Key departments in charge of environmental affairs
Sustainable Management Team
- Take full charge of establishing ESG strategies
- Responding to external evaluations
- Disclosing data regarding sustainability
Carbon Neutral Strategy Team
- Establish strategies for climate action and net-zero
- Implement tasks to achieve RE100
Carbon Neutral Technology Innovation Team
- Conduct LCAs
Environmental, Health & Safety Support Team
- Manage business site environment, including water and pollutants
Manufacturing Innovation Strategy Team
- Business site Driving sustainability (AutoLand Sustainability)
Energy Management/Facilities Management Team
- Manage and operate energy at business sites
Environmental Agenda Items Reported to the Board
Kia strategies for reaching net-zero by 2045
Build an eco-friendly manufacturing environment, including a resource circulation system Mid- to Long-Term ESG Strategy System
Plan for the partnership with The Ocean Cleanup
Initiative to reinvest in infrastructurebased on the partnership with Ocean Cleanup
Plan for the safety and environmental management for local business sites
Restore biodiversity in tidal flatsPlan to undertake collaborative projects